Tiger barbs, Rosy barbs, Red Barbs, and Sumatra barbs are various types of freshwater fish that are easiest to breed and maintain. However, the larger barbs are best suited with fish of their own size. The larger barbs will steer up trouble in communal tanks, as well as uproot your fancy plants. It seems the larger barbs demand more attention than the smaller barbs; therefore, the barbs should be grouped and separated.
The Black Ruby and Purple Head Barbs come from Ceylon. The fish grow around 2 ½ inches in size and live well in communal tanks. The female barbs produce colorful environments with their yellow-gray figures that share dark stripes in vertical lines and in blotches. The male counterparts are brownish-black and/or black with frontals that present vermilion red. Unlike the boisterous Puntius Conchonius groups, this fish will live well in communal waters. The fish is not finicky; therefore, this breed will feast on all foodstuffs. In addition, the fish does not place high demand on water conditions, yet they will live well in neutral waters, which is moderately hard. Like the Puntius, this breed is one of the easier fish to breed. The barb lays around 300 eggs, and spawns like many other barbs.
The Tiger Barb and Sumatra are of the Capoeta Tetrazona species. This specie comes from Borneo and Sumatra, which they grow around 2 inches in size. The colorful fish set off communal tanks with its reddish-yellow figure that presents a wide array of black stripes. This fish has a changeable attitude, which makes this one of the most diverse fish on the market. The fish according to few will bully other fish and nip at their fins, while others claim that the fish has a calming nature.
The Tiger and Sumatra fish require the same water conditions as other barbs.
The Tiger Barbs and Sumatra tend to inhabit well in practical or impartial alkalinity water. As well, the fish do well in judicious hard water. It is recommended that fish owners set the temperature at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The Tiger and Sumatra fish have a hearty craving for provisions, in view of the fact that the fish will eat all foodstuffs. Breeders will benefit from the Barbs, since all barbs are healthy spawns.
Female Tiger and Sumatra fish are plump, which differ from the male counterparts slim and colorful figures. The female are plain Jane, which breed as that of other barbs. The fry however tend to endure bladder problems and their fins tend to rot. The water then should be in extreme spotless conditions. The tank should also be monitored during breeding, since mutants will gnaw at the spawn laid by Tiger and Sumatra fish.
Cherry Barbs or Capoeta Titteya fish originate in Ceylon, which the fish grow around 2 inches in size. The fish compose a figure of yellow-brown, or red-brown. The fish are distinguished by their dark top to bottom black stripes. The fish make great communal fish, and request the same feeding and water conditions as that of other barbs. Capoeta Titteya male counterparts have darker colors and when bred the fish will change colors. The colors usually appear black and cherry red, which the stripes virtually evaporate.
The Cherry Barbs breed in the same fashion as other barbs, and will lay up to 200 eggs. The Cherry Barbs come in variety, which some barbs will feast on their barbs, while others will not.
In conclusion, if you are just getting started in fish care and aquariums, check out the line of Harlequins.
About the Author: John Ugoshowa. For more information about Aquariums and fish care see the art aquarium and fish care section of The Free Ad Forum at: http://www.thefreeadforum.com/infowizards/CAT/Aquariums-Fish-Care_83_1.html
Source: easyarticles.com
The Black Ruby and Purple Head Barbs come from Ceylon. The fish grow around 2 ½ inches in size and live well in communal tanks. The female barbs produce colorful environments with their yellow-gray figures that share dark stripes in vertical lines and in blotches. The male counterparts are brownish-black and/or black with frontals that present vermilion red. Unlike the boisterous Puntius Conchonius groups, this fish will live well in communal waters. The fish is not finicky; therefore, this breed will feast on all foodstuffs. In addition, the fish does not place high demand on water conditions, yet they will live well in neutral waters, which is moderately hard. Like the Puntius, this breed is one of the easier fish to breed. The barb lays around 300 eggs, and spawns like many other barbs.
The Tiger Barb and Sumatra are of the Capoeta Tetrazona species. This specie comes from Borneo and Sumatra, which they grow around 2 inches in size. The colorful fish set off communal tanks with its reddish-yellow figure that presents a wide array of black stripes. This fish has a changeable attitude, which makes this one of the most diverse fish on the market. The fish according to few will bully other fish and nip at their fins, while others claim that the fish has a calming nature.
The Tiger and Sumatra fish require the same water conditions as other barbs.

Female Tiger and Sumatra fish are plump, which differ from the male counterparts slim and colorful figures. The female are plain Jane, which breed as that of other barbs. The fry however tend to endure bladder problems and their fins tend to rot. The water then should be in extreme spotless conditions. The tank should also be monitored during breeding, since mutants will gnaw at the spawn laid by Tiger and Sumatra fish.
Cherry Barbs or Capoeta Titteya fish originate in Ceylon, which the fish grow around 2 inches in size. The fish compose a figure of yellow-brown, or red-brown. The fish are distinguished by their dark top to bottom black stripes. The fish make great communal fish, and request the same feeding and water conditions as that of other barbs. Capoeta Titteya male counterparts have darker colors and when bred the fish will change colors. The colors usually appear black and cherry red, which the stripes virtually evaporate.
The Cherry Barbs breed in the same fashion as other barbs, and will lay up to 200 eggs. The Cherry Barbs come in variety, which some barbs will feast on their barbs, while others will not.
In conclusion, if you are just getting started in fish care and aquariums, check out the line of Harlequins.
About the Author: John Ugoshowa. For more information about Aquariums and fish care see the art aquarium and fish care section of The Free Ad Forum at: http://www.thefreeadforum.com/infowizards/CAT/Aquariums-Fish-Care_83_1.html
Source: easyarticles.com
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