Ketapang leaves also known as Indian Almond Leaves, Tropical Almond Leaves, Sweet Almond Leaves, Wild Almond Leaves, Sea Almond Leaves, Catappa Leaves, Java Almond Leaves or Ketapang Leaves, are used by tropical fish farm breeders and fish hobbyist to create brackish water or k-water extract to promote healing and breeding for tropical fishes, such as Guppies, Betas, Arowanas, Tetras, Gouramis, Apistos, etc. Usually it is used in after dried and cleaned

Beside creating a natural environment and induces spawning, it also controls or reduces the pH level of water, thus it is also one of the best aquarium water conditioner . They are known to have antibacteria, antifungal, stress relieve and immune boosting properties for all tropical fishes too.
For usage simply rinse dry katapang leaves with tap water before putting them into your aquarium tank. After 1-2 days the leaves will be water-logged and sink. This will leave a strong brown dye that will tan the water slightly (to a clear amber) and provide a very natural stream-bottom look to your aquarium. This dye consists of tanic acid and other organic materials that emulates the natural environment of most tropical fishes. Remove the leaves from the tank after 10 days.
For smaller betta containers, you can also break up the leaf in small 1-2 square inches and drop it in the container and let it seep in the water for at least 3 days to achieve the desirable and 5 days for best result. Water treated with almond leaf help reduce the number of water change in your betta containers from twice a week to once a week.
Alternatively, you can boil the leaves to make blackwater extract and dose when you need. Soaking the leaves in a tank for 10 days will produce a similar result.
Recommended dosage would be 1 leave to 20 liters of water for 10 days, thus 10 leaves to a 200 liter tank. Size of premium leaves ship will be 7" in length and more!
If you are interested ang would like to purchase the leaves you can go to this site (my friend in Riau - Indonesia). :)
I'm getting a few of these from Ebay for my bettas. I'm wondering are they good for jsut any tropical fish? I've got a community 55g with angels, african ropes and a dragon fish. would these leaves be benificial to them as well? Thank you!!!
I am getting some off ebay too.
Yes I believe they do well for all freshwater tropical fish, but even more so for Amazon fish and other compatible tank mates who like a more acidic pH.
For more info on Amazon fish check out my blog: http://tropical-fish-care.com
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