Author Roffi Grandiosa
The black ghost knifefish, Apteronotus albifrons, is a tropical fish belonging to the ghost knifefish family (Apteronotidae). They originate in South America in the Amazon Basin in Peru and from Venezuela through Paraguay in the Paraná Rivers. The fish is all black except for two white rings on its tail. It moves mainly by undulating a long fin on its underside. It will grow to a maximum length of 20 inches (50 centimeters).
The fish is has an ellegant style of swimming, with its elongated anal fin which starts from the pectoral fin. The peculiar look of this fish is quite dazzling, and the calm behaviour inside the aquarium, makes this fish a must to buy.
I have an experience breeding them and they are very easy to breed. In order to breed you must have a broodstock of 1,5 year old fish with a length of 7-8 inch (20-30 cm). A healthy broodstock should be active, not injured and have a fresh colour (not dull). Now you must differentiate the male and the female, females of blackghosts has a short jaw, a little bit fatter and the size is relatively bigger but shorter than the male fish. The male has a longer jaw with the much longer, skinny and straight body.
To be continued in the next post!
here is a video of a blackghost... really a playful fish!
Hi I would like to breed the blackghost too, I was wondering how you did it. What the water temp and ph is if it is important, How many you have in a tank, diet etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My email is
hi Neil,
I'm quite hectic for the moment, since I have to finish my thesis work. I'll kick up a post tommorow.. ok?
No problem. I'm currently setting up a new tank that I hope to use for breeding but I'm kind of going off random info off the net and breeders I've just met offline but it's still so impossible for such a fantastic and not so rare fish.
Hi Horri
I would like know how you breed the blackghos
Here in Brazil i'm trying with Gymnotus, another knifefish, but with problems
How did you do that?
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