Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Fishkeeping can be a relaxing and enjoyable hobby. But what if you don't have room for a 75-gallon tank? Or even a 40-gallon tank?

The popularity of mini-aquariums (defined as water features that contain less than 40 gallons of water) is on the rise. These systems can be freshwater or saltwater, can be filled with a wide variety of species, and generally take up a very small amount of space. Mini-Aquariums offers detailed information on all aspects of setting up and maintaining a mini aquarium. It includes sections on fish health and water quality management, explains the differences between aqua-terrariums, terrariums and vivariums, details how to use common species of terrestrial plants in container ponds, and provides extensive information on many other topics.

If you live in a small apartment, want to set up a mini-pond at the office, or just prefer the look of a tiny tank, a mini aquarium may be the perfect choice for you!


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