Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Guide to the Selection, Care & Breeding of Corals for the Mini-Reef Aquarium

Dr. Herbert Axelrod continues to pass on his aquatic prowess in this book for coral enthusiasts. Novice reefkeepers should definitely invest in this book as it is very easy to read and understand. Experienced reefkeepers would even profit from having this book in their aquatic library for reference at any time, as it is thorough in all the typically kept hard and soft corals. Each coral is given its own color-coded review for difficulty of keeping and put into one of three catagories, green for beginners, yellow for experienced keepers of corals, and red for those who consider themselves experts. On the whole this is a great reference for anyone who is considering keeping corals, either for the first time or continuing to keep them after years of experience.


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